Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский

miniature pinscher

См. также в других словарях:

  • Miniature Pinscher — Other names Zwergpinscher Nicknames Min Pin, King of the Toys Country of origin Germany …   Wikipedia

  • miniature pinscher — [pin′chər, pin′shər] n. any of a breed of toy dog similar to the Doberman pinscher, but much smaller …   English World dictionary

  • miniature pinscher — noun small German version of a Doberman pinscher • Hypernyms: ↑pinscher * * * noun : a toy dog of a breed that suggests a small Doberman pinscher and measures 10 to 121/2 inches in height at the withers * * * one of a German breed of toy dogs… …   Useful english dictionary

  • miniature pinscher — noun Date: 1929 any of a breed of toy dogs that suggest a small Doberman pinscher and are 10 to 12 1/2 inches (25 to 32 centimeters) in height at the withers …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • miniature pinscher — one of a German breed of toy dogs resembling a smaller version of the Doberman pinscher, having a flat skull, a smooth coat, erect ears, and a docked tail, bred originally as a watchdog. [1925 30] * * * …   Universalium

  • Miniature Pinscher — noun A small breed of pinscher bred in Germany to hunt small vermin, especially rats …   Wiktionary

  • Miniature Schnauzer — Classic pose of a Miniature Schnauzer. This dog has a natural (stripped) salt and pepper coat, natural ears and docked tail. Other names Zwergschnauzer (Dwarf Schnauzer) Country of origin Germany …   Wikipedia

  • Pinscher miniatura — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Pinscher Miniatura Pinscher miniatura con orejas y rabo naturales …   Wikipedia Español

  • Pinscher — is a type of dog developed originally for fighting or guarding, although today they are most often kept as pets. EtymologyThe American Heritage Dictionary describes pinscher as being a German word, but from the English word pinch , referring to… …   Wikipedia

  • pinscher — [pin′chər, pin′shər] n. see DOBERMAN PINSCHER, MINIATURE PINSCHER …   English World dictionary

  • pinscher — noun any of three breeds of dogs whose ears and tail are usually cropped • Hypernyms: ↑watchdog, ↑guard dog • Hyponyms: ↑Doberman, ↑Doberman pinscher, ↑miniature pinscher, ↑affenpinscher, ↑monkey pinscher, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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